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The Titan Submersible: A Deep Dive into Ego and Failure
A deep-sea submersible made out of carbon fiber composite imploded in milliseconds, all five people on board were killed. But why?
23 hours ago11 min read

Why don't LED lightbulbs last as long as they say they will?
How are lightbulb manufacturers lying about the longevity of their product lifespan? No LED lightbulb has ever been tested for 11 years...
Nov 15, 20245 min read

How to not suck at probability and statistics.
The problem with most courses that focus on trying to teach probability and statistics is that they try to appeal to our conscious mind...
Aug 23, 20248 min read

And now to the biggest IT outage ever! (The Crowdstrike Incident...)
How the Crowdstrike IT system outage happened, what we can learn from it, and what can be done to avoid it happening again.
Aug 8, 20246 min read

Preventative maintenance and the toxic need to "do something."
When something ‘bad’ happens, it is psychologically difficult for many to simply do nothing. That means we rush to do something, anything…
Aug 2, 20246 min read

No… 89 percent of failures are NOT random.
Firstly, 100 percent of failures are random. It’s just that there are lots of textbooks and experts telling us otherwise.
Jul 30, 20247 min read

Boeing is Steering Harder into its Spiral of Death
What is happening with Boeing's management (or lack thereof...) The most recent Boeing related issue is in the rudder controls.
Apr 17, 20244 min read

5 Reasons You Need to Allocate Reliability (and 1 Reason You Don't).
One of the more overlooked elements of leadership is explained direction: where leaders take the time to describe individual efforts matter.
Nov 27, 20233 min read

You Can't 'Contract' Your Way to Reliability.
Reliability happens when everyone takes it seriously. And that starts with you, the customer. Contracts are documents – nothing more.
Nov 20, 20232 min read

Routine Things Risk Becoming Routine
One of my more unfortunate memories of my early military career is the death of a soldier on a training exercise.
Nov 6, 20233 min read

10 Reasons you Need to do Reliability Engineering
Reliability engineering has an image problem: seen as an imbugerance that destroys budget, schedule and fun. Is that a fair assumption?
Oct 4, 20213 min read

How Do I Set-Up My Reliability Engineering Career?
One of the enduring mysteries of reliability engineering is that there is no straight forward definition of who a reliability engineer is.
Sep 27, 20213 min read

'Artificial deep machine learning intelligence' is never your first option
In its simplest form, artificial intelligence is about trying to program a computer to mimic how humans learn. So what's the problem?
Sep 20, 20213 min read

Same old reliability lessons from amazing new (solar cell) technologies
There are plenty of reasons for renewable energy to become increasingly important. These reasons start with climate change and end with...
Aug 30, 20213 min read

Reliability happens when you become impatient and selfish
You can't motivate people to do reliability engineering that benefits 'other people' a long time from now. But you don't have to!
Aug 16, 20213 min read

The Root Cause of a Failure is Always a Decision
We often get sucked into drawn-out conversations (or heated debates) about the ‘true’ meaning of words. Especially when it comes to...
Aug 2, 20213 min read

The Stresa-Mottarone cable car crash is a lesson on culture
Fourteen people died on the 23rd of May 2021 when a cable car in Italy crashed to the ground. Describing this as an accident is too kind...
Jul 5, 20213 min read

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