Want to make your first design a reliable design?
... and save production costs, avoid schedule delays, reduce Time to Market (TTM), manufacture quality things and everything else we get from this approach?
Jill T.
... thank you for this class ... thank you for taking time to answer my questions. I am going to just have a different mindset now in going forward ...
Michael T.
... the class was structured really well allowing us to gain knowledge of how to put together a FMEA/FMECA before learning how to
review one ...
Thai N.
... the instructor was excellent - he was very enthusiastic and made learning the FMEA/FMECA material a little more fun ...
John B.
... excellent use of experiential examples
– both positive and negative uses ...
FMEAs or Failure Mode and Effects Analyses are often the singular most important thing for preventing production issues, manufacturing delays, budget blow outs, and of course … failures.
Students who design, manufacture, or otherwise responsible for preventing failures in a physical system will learn about eliminating failures as early as possible. In other words – preventing failures. A FMEA is a group activity of 4-8 person cross-functional team that work together in a collaborative setting to formalize their collective corporate knowledge and expertise in an organized way to provide a list of prioritized corrective actions for those responsible for designing, manufacturing or maintaining something.
The central tenet of a FMEA is understanding failures without having to wait for them to occur. This understanding allows corrective actions to focus on the ‘vital few’ ways our product, system, service or process can fail. Which means we only need to worry about the ‘vital few’ things we need to do to quickly and cheaply increase reliability.
This course will motivate students to want to execute good FMEAs, teach students the fundamentals of these FMEAs, and practice students in executing FMEAs using a worked example.
The course is broken down into 4 modules. The first 3 modules are made up of 4 x 1-hour lessons. The last module is a combine Virtual FMEA Exercise where students work together on a real excerpt of a FMEA. Don't forget ... you will have access to the recorded lessons for 12 months.
The fundamental aim is to teach students how to be part of an amazing FMEA that yields fantastic ideas on how to prevent problems in a prioritized way that ensures we focus on the VITAL FEW weak points of our systems (and not the trivial thousands ... which is called 'over-engineering') Because we focus on the VITAL FEW, you are by definition creating tangible, visible value every step of the way..
Module 1 - Why FMEAs?
Where we outline the top 10 reasons why you (the student) should love to do FMEAs, along with how this relates to basic FMEA fundamentals.
Module 2 - Structuring your amazing FMEA
Where we teach how you create a simple framework to conduct FMEAs, prioritizing the VITAL FEW things that matter to you and oyur organization as you create a robust, customer-centric design.
Module 3 - Executing your amazing FMEA
We go through the tips, tricks and ideas that turn your FMEA from a boring activity that everyone dreads to a highly valued and empowering necessity.
Module 4 - FMEA Exercise
Where we break out into groups and conduct an excerpt of a real FMEA to reinforce everything we have learned.
We have more more stuff for you below if you need a more formal understanding of how this course can help you.